Current status of domestic water treatment

We cannot avoid water pollution, but we can make our own decisions about the water at home!!!

Views : 12082
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-17 15:49:29

In recent years, our country has faced a series of serious water pollution challenges.Tap water has frequently experienced problems such as abnormal color, turbidity and odor, which has caused deep public concern about the quality of tap water. All walks of life can't help but ask: What is the current situation of my country's water environment? Can the water source and effluent quality of the water plant be trusted?

Drinking water safety alarm bells ringing
According to monitoring by authoritative departments, there have been more than 1,700 water pollution incidents in my country every year in recent years. This series of drinking water pollution emergencies are like a sword hanging over public health, highlighting the many hidden dangers in the field of drinking water safety.

Outlook of the Ministry of Environmental Protection: Vision for Drinking Water Safety
The Ministry of Environmental Protection clearly stated in the "Central Region Development Strategy Environmental Assessment Report" that it is expected that by 2020, compound air pollution will be effectively curbed, the air quality of the urban agglomerations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be significantly improved, and the quality of urban and rural drinking water sources will be close to fully meeting standards. . The longer-term goal is that by 2030, the air quality and drinking water safety in the central region will reach a new level, and safety concerns about drinking water quality will be completely eliminated.

Analysis of current water quality situation
(1) The latest data from the Ministry of Water Resources reveals the severe situation of groundwater quality. Groundwater quality is generally poor across the country. More than 80% of surface water is unfit for direct drinking due to serious pollution, which poses a direct threat to drinking water sources.

(2) The purification technology of many water plants across the country is facing aging problems. It can only ensure that microbial indicators meet the standards, but it is difficult to cope with the challenge of chemical organic pollution. Statistics show that the passing rate of water produced by some water plants is only 83%, and the water quality problems of the remaining 17% are worrying. Coupled with the old water pipeline network and water storage facilities, the terminal water quality is even more worrying.

(3) Data from the Ministry of Land and Resources are also not optimistic. In 2015, the water quality of more than 60% of groundwater monitoring points nationwide was rated as poor or extremely poor. The groundwater quality situation needs to be improved urgently.

Family drinking water safety starts with us everyone

Faced with such a severe water pollution situation, although the improvement of the overall environment will take time and the efforts of government departments, household drinking water safety is an area where we can take immediate action. Choosing to install a water purifier is a wise move to ensure the safety of your family's drinking water.

Water purification terminal: the last line of defense to protect your health
A high-quality water purifier can effectively filter out large particles of impurities such as rust, sediment, and red worms in tap water, while absorbing harmful substances such as heavy metals, residual chlorine, antibiotics, and pesticides to ensure pure water quality. There is also advanced magnetized water purification technology that not only purifies water quality, but also gives new vitality to water molecules, making every drop of water healthier and more delicious.

Conclusion: Water safety is directly related to everyone’s life and health. While the external environment still needs time to improve, let us start from ourselves, choose a reliable water purifier for our family, and protect the safety of our family's drinking water.

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